Monday, May 2, 2016

In the moment

Recently I’ve noticed a pattern in my creative pursuits. If I don’t do an idea as soon as I get it, it’s likely I won’t go through with it. I tend to get excited about an idea when I have it, and that’s the prime time to do it. Many times I do go through with it, and that’s awesome! But other times I’ll just write it down and hope to come back to it later. But as I said, I find that I tend to not follow through on the ideas I don’t implement immediately (or if I do follow through with them, it’s more difficult to be as passionate or excited about them as I was when I conceived the idea). 

I’ve seen this play out mostly with Conjecture. I’ll have ideas about videos I want to make or concepts I’m excited about and write them down. Many of these I’ll try to do quickly, but that definitely doesn’t happen with all of them. In fact, now that I think about it I have often been “waiting” to do a specific video I had wanted to do for a while. This is usually something I’ve put off for a while that I genuinely do want to create. But I instead wind up doing a video on some other topic that inspired me much more recently. I used to feel kind of guilty about this, but now thinking about it through this context I don’t feel as bad: it’s easier to pursue an idea in the moment than one I was excited about a while ago.

So now that I’ve realized this, I’m trying to research/film/make/do things as soon as possible after I get the idea. That’s why I’m writing this now: it’s not exactly a long or impressive blog post, but I wanted to get my thoughts out there. Hopefully I’ll be able to follow through on this idea, haha.