Thursday, November 5, 2015

Why I have this blog

Hey there. So most of you who read this probably know I have a YouTube channel, Conjecture. There I've uploaded informational videos and vlogs. [The word "vlog" tends to have a simple or vapid connotation, though mine are more informational like the vlogbrothers' videos.]

Though I like my vlogging, I've decided that I want to direct less attention towards them on Conjecture. There are two main reasons for this:
  1. I think the informational videos are usually more fun to research and more rewarding than the vlogs, but more importantly...
  2. Because I generate vlog ideas faster than informational ones, they can take over my channel. 

Yeah, the vlogs would begin to outpace my informational videos. I would have 5 vlog ideas I'm thinking and writing about but all of my informational videos would be on hold.

So because I still like a lot of the ideas but want to do more informational videos, I'm posting all of my vlog ideas here—the only real difference is now they don't have video accompaniment. The really important or personally meaningful vlog ideas will still make their way to YouTube, but I'm expecting to post a lot fewer on YT.

I also realized this site can store all the other creative, non-YT things I do (like podcasts and typewriter musings). It's all an experiment, so let me know what you think!